Maintenance of GNSS and seismic stations of PPGNet and PSLNET networks in Greece

Výjezd techniků řeckého distributora elektrické energie na stanici Kato Retsina

In cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, regular maintenance of GNSS stations of the PPGNet network and selected seismic stations of the PSLNET network took place in the week between 5 and 12 October 2021. The state of covids measures led to more completed forms, but otherwise made it possible to make the trip. Thanks to the cooperation with colleagues from the University of Patras, we were able to visit all the stations and carry out all the work needed to reopen the entire network.

The maintenance of GNSS stations included the inspection of stations with technical problems:

  • Rigani station - replacement of batteries in the UPS, commissioning of GNSS equipment
  • Kato Retsina station - power failure indicated, commissioning of GNSS equipment with battery replacement in UPS after replacement of electrical connection (provided by the Greek side within 2 weeks after inspection)
  • Katochi station - replacement of batteries in the UPS and internal memory cards in GNSS equipment
  • Lepenou station - replacement of batteries in the UPS
  • Paravola station - replacement of batteries in the UPS
  • Valyra station - replacement of batteries in the UPS

It was necessary to maintain seismic stations with technical problems:

  • Loutraki Station - control and download data
  • Sergoula station - replacement of the internal disk at the Guralp CMG-5TD accelerometer

The photo shows the arrival of technicians from a Greek electricity distributor at Kato Retsina station.