The CzechGeo/EPOS Consortium associates geoscience institutions engaged in systematic geophysical and geodetic observations and in geological research on the territory of the Czech Republic and Europe. Members of the consortium are Institute of Geophysics of the CAS (IG CAS), Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS (IRSM CAS), Institute of Geonics of the CAS (IGN CAS), Institute of the Physics of the Earth of the Masaryk University (IPE MU), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University (FMP CU), Faculty of Science of the Charles University (FS CU) and Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography. The observations are supplemented by geological and geophysical databases created and operated by the Czech Geological Survey (CGS).
The CzechGeo/EPOS research infrastructure was established in the frame of infrastructure project supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in 2010. The infrastructure is a national node of the European research infrastructure EPOS – European Plate Observing System.
CzechGeo/EPOS is distributed multilayer research infrastructure based on acquisition and distribution of data from geophysical monitoring networks. Long uninterrupted time series is an essential condition for understanding of the past processed and creation of models of the future behaviour. Observed and processed data and their metadata are made accessible to the research community and public in user-friendly way. Interconnection of current observation with the geological and geophysical data bases is integral part of the system.
The infrastructure involves five sections: Seismology, GNSS and gravimetry, Geodynamics, Geomagnetism, Geological and geophysical databases. Global, regional or local observatories and networks mostly provide data to European and global data centres and other cooperating infrastructures in nearly real time regime. Mobile data are acquired in the frame of national and international projects to complete the permanent networks in the regions of interest. Data of all levels serve for research of the Earth structure and dynamics.