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CzechGeo/EPOS Workshop 2016
CzechGeo/EPOS Workshop 2016
Geofyzikální ústav AV ČR, 16. 11. 2016
Cajtmahlová M.: GEONAS network
Čápová D. et al.: CzechGeo/EPOS Section: Geological and geophysical databases
Čermák V. et al.: Heat transfer in shallow subsurface under different climate conditions in Europe
Doubravová J., Wiszniowski J., Horálek J.: Local event detection with neural networks (application to Webnet data)
Douša J., Václavovič P., Filler V.: GNSS precise analyses at Geogetic Observatory Pecný
Douša J., Václavovič P.: Precise GNSS analyses for troposphere monitoring by Observatory Pecný analysis center
Hartvich F. et al.: SLOPENET - long-term slope deformations monitoring infrastructure
Hejda P. et al.: CzechGeo/EPOS - Distributed system of permanent observatory measurements and temporary monitoring of geophysical fields
Hejda P., Pek J., Vlk M.: CzechGeo/EPOS - Section of Geomagnetism
Horálek J. et al.: Local seismic networks WEBNET and REYKJANET
Hrubcová P. et al.: Determination of prominent crustal discontinuities from waveforms of local earthquakes
Jakoubková H., Horálek J., Fischer T.: Earthquake swarms in West Bohemia and SW Iceland
Janošek M.: Results of precise magnetic calibrations at the facilities of IG CAS
Kostelecký J., Plicka V.: VESOG, PPGNet, CZEPOS networks
Mrlina J.: GREVOLCAN networks
Mrlina J.: Network CZET - tiltmeter observarories
Mrlina J.: Network WBGEODYN
Munzarová H., Plomerová J.: Tomographic studies of the BM upper mantle
Pálinkáš V.: Gravimetry at the station Pecný
Plicka V. et al.: PSLNET - Joint project between Charles University Prague and Patras University
Plicka V.: 19 years of Research Infrastructure PSLNET - significant influence to study source parameters of Greek eathquakes
Plomerová J. et al.: MOBNET - pool of temporary stations of the IG CAS in passive seismic experiments
Plomerová J., Babuška V.: Continental lithosphere - mosaic of microplates with a rigid mantle lithosphere
Špaček P.: Monitoring and research into the local microseismicity in the NE Czech Republic
Stemberk J.: Norcia October 2016 earthquakes - recorded fault slip in the Central Appenines
Stemberk J.: TecNet - underground natural laboratory of precise 3-D monitoring of fault slips
Vescey L.: Seismic data quality assurance and control
Zedník J., Špaček P.: Czech Regional Seismic Network and local seismic network MONET