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CzechGeo/EPOS Workshop 2017
CzechGeo/EPOS Workshop 2017
Geofyzikální ústav AV ČR, 22.11.2017.
Blahůt J.: Results of monitoring of huge landslide at Hierro Island (SlopeNet)
Briestenský M.: Tectonic strain changes recognised by fault slip monitoring along eastern border of the Bohemian Massif (TecNet)
Čápová D.: CzechGeo/EPOS - Section of Geological and Geophysical Databases: the main activities in 2017
Doubravová J.: Neural network-based seismic event detector: an application to swarm-like earthquakes in West Bohemia and South-west Iceland
Douša J. ,Václavovič P. ,Eliáš M. : Tropospheric products of the second GOP European GNSS reprocessing (1996–2014)
Hejda P.: Large research infrastructure CzechGeo/EPOS and related projects
Horálek J. et al.: Earthquake swarms in West Bohemia-Vogtland and South-West Iceland: are they of similar nature?
Horálek J. et al.: WEBNET network - a primary tool for understanding of the West Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarms
Hudečková E.: Inventory of geophysical data in CR
Kondrová L.: Geophysical data and metadata and INSPIRE
Kvapil J. et al: Ambient noise study at CRSN and AlpArray stations in CZ
Mrlina J., Seidl M.: Do West Bohemian earthquakes displace the surface?
Plomerová J. et al.: MOBNET in AlpArray project
Vecsey L. et al.: Data quality control and tools in passive seismic experiments
Vlk M.: Building up a new geomagnetic observatory at Polom station
Kolejka V.: Web map application to access seismic data