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CzechGeo/EPOS Workshop 2019
CzechGeo/EPOS Workshop 2019
Geofyzikální ústav AV ČR, 4.12.2019
Briestenský M.: Tectonic gap 2015-2019 - an example from Slovak TecNet
Čápová D. et al.: CzechGeo/EPOS - Geological and Geophysical Databases: Summary 2016-2019
Doubravová J., Horálek J.: Single Layer Recurrent Neural Network for Detection of Local Swarm-like Earthquakes - the Application
Hejda P.: Recent development of CzechGeo/EPOS and what next
Hudečková E., Kolejka V.: Geophysical Web Map Application: Progress 2016-2019
Kvapil J. et al.: Surface Wave Tomography of the Bohemian Massive Crust
Plicka V.: The 22-years of the PSLNET Research Infrastructure, involving Patras-Prague joint stations - a significant progress in the source studies of Greece earthquakes
Stemberk J. et al.: Determination of the now-a-days stress field parameters based on extenzometric data recorded by EU TecNet network. Case study from Dědičná štola Gallery in Rychlebské hory Mts.
Vecsey L. et al.: Shear-wave splitting and mantle anisotropy in the Alpine Area
Vlček J., Fischer T.: CarbonNet and its connection with the EGER ICDP project