Section geodynamics

Leading institution: Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Tidal measurements are performed at the Příbram and Skalná observatories, as well as at the Jezeří 1 and Jezeří 2 stations designed to monitor the slopes of the Krušné hory mountains above an extensive surface mine. Monitoring of slope movements to issue warnings of landslides is the goal of the SLOPENET network using a wide range of methods. The TECNET network monitors micro-movements at more than 150 stations located on tectonic faults in 12 European countries. TILTNET stations monitor the slope and deformation of rock blocks using static vertical pendulums. The GeoCLIMANET geothermal network monitors the subsurface temperature at five stations in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Portugal in order to investigate the influence of surface conditions on the geothermal state at greater depths. Many stations also monitor the groundwater level.